How Long Ago is Long Enough? Or, Is the Answer "Never"?
Cancel culture, also sometimes called "call-out culture" refers to boycotting or calling for the removal of a person—typically a c
To Be Truly Inclusive, We Must Move Beyond Diversity
Inclusion calls us to action. It's not limited to representation metrics as the primary driver. That focus leads organizations into a ta
Taking a Look at Diversity Fatigue
It's a real paradox that at a time when the greatest changes are happening in the workforce and emerging markets, a fatigue has set in a
Addressing Barriers in the War for Talent
As I work with CEOs around the country, I benefit from their unique in-the-trenches insights on how their businesses are being impacted by s
Changing Workforce, and Market, Segments Require New Approaches
Changing social, cultural and economic patterns have had interesting and significant impacts on the representation of women in the American
Test Yourself: Are You an Inclusive Leader?
In our book, “Becoming an Inclusive Leader: How to Navigate the 21st Century Global Workforce,” we offer insights on critical traits...
Living Inclusion With Intention: 18 Years and Counting
Inclusion matters. It is a call to action. Inclusion is the foundation for fulfilling the promise of our nation’s credo, e pluribus Unum, fr
InclusionINC's 18th Anniversary: Taking a Look Back
Last month we celebrated our 18th anniversary--18 years and counting! As CEO and founder of InclusionINC I'm proud to say that I'm...
Racism Manifesting in Robots
Implicit bias and subconscious racism can manifest itself in surprising ways and in unexpected places. For example, we've written...
Tech Tools for Mitigating Unconscious Bias
Unconscious bias is pervasive in many companies across all industries. It's something that's ingrained in our very nature as human b