WSJ Argues Leadership Programs Overlook Women for This Reason
A couple of months ago we came across an article in the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) titled “How Most Leadership Training Programs Fail...
The Impact of Paying Based on Worth, Not Salary History
When it comes to discrimination in the workplace, it can be difficult to ferret out root causes. Much of what we see in statistics on the...
It's Okay for Women to Lead Differently Says KPMG's CEO
Women are often faced with a bit of a conundrum in the workplace: failing to show confidence and assertiveness can leave them behind when...
Being Inclusive: Especially Important AFTER They're Hired!
Many companies are focused—and rightfully so—on ensuring that they are recruiting and hiring staff members who reflect their markets. As...
What We Can Learn From the "Lady Doritos" Misstep
We’ve often said that putting traditionally underrepresented groups in positions of authority within organizations can be a huge boost to...
If You're Focused on Diversity, You're Wasting Your Time
In an increasingly diverse workforce and increasingly interconnected world, diversity is more important than ever, and that trend is sure...
Is This What Your Millennial Employees Want?
Millennials may seem like a relatively new addition to the workforce to some, but as early as 2015, they made up a full one-third of the...
Being Inclusive Isn't Always Easy, But it is Still Important
For years, we’ve been making the case that diversity and inclusion are worthwhile goals for any business, not just because they are...
Want to Avoid Gender Bias in Recruitment? There's an App for That!
Unconscious bias is one of the most daunting challenges facing proponents of diversity and inclusion. We’ve come a long way from the days...
Battling the Gender Pay Gap
The gender pay gap—the difference between median male and female yearly earnings when looking at full-time, year-round workers—is one of...