It's Impossible to Engage Employees if You Don't Include Them!
Employee engagement is a phrase that has gained a great deal of awareness and popularity in recent years, but the concept is anything but ne
How Long Ago is Long Enough? Or, Is the Answer "Never"?
Cancel culture, also sometimes called "call-out culture" refers to boycotting or calling for the removal of a person—typically a c
Test Yourself: Are You an Inclusive Leader?
In our book, “Becoming an Inclusive Leader: How to Navigate the 21st Century Global Workforce,” we offer insights on critical traits...
Living Inclusion With Intention: 18 Years and Counting
Inclusion matters. It is a call to action. Inclusion is the foundation for fulfilling the promise of our nation’s credo, e pluribus Unum, fr
Racism Manifesting in Robots
Implicit bias and subconscious racism can manifest itself in surprising ways and in unexpected places. For example, we've written...
Beware the Potential Implicit Bias That Comes With Artificial Intelligence
Companies are increasingly looking for ways to address the impact of unconscious bias—and for good reason. Unconscious bias can have negativ